Team - Leap & Scale


Founded in 2013, Leap & Scale is dedicated to providing engineering and product development services. L&S offers its experience and expertise in technology, product engineering and research to cater to the needs of customers to develop products.

Our operations started in Nov 2013 under the name Leap Management Consultancy & Research. Our focus was to work with companies on development of Strategy for Growth and in Organisational Development. With successful consultation and strategy creation for companies, the need for engineering and product development through innovation and research became evident. The company started providing product development services. We signed contracts with various companies in India and Overseas for their product and solution development.

Thus, our next logical step, Leap & Scale Growth Partners Pvt. Ltd. was formed. With our multifaceted services and landscape, our name was carefully and innovatively chosen to depict our services which are focused on growth for our customers. Our acute focus is on value creation through our expertise and experience in product innovation and realisation.

We see ourselves continuing on our path of Engineering, Research, innovation and Technology in the areas of product development and value creation for our customer.


  • Leap & Scale features in the APAC CIO Outlook Magazine in May 2016 as the “25 Most Promising IOT Solution Providers”. View Full Article.
  • Prashant Joshi, CEO appeared in the Business Sight Magazine cover article “Scaling Business Impact with Diverse Expertise and Making Sensor-2-Server Solutions A Reality”. View Full Article
  • Leap & Scale featured in the Industry Wired Magazine “Creating Business Impact by Delivering Diverse Expertise with Innovative Technology”. View Full Article.. View Full Article.


Leap & Scale: Our entire focus is on enabling a Leap forward, enable and assist in Scaling hence the name Leap & Scale

Our focus is our customers and users. All our products, platforms and solutions are with a goal to assist them to grow. Enriching lives of our customers and users is what we are proud of.

Leap & Scale® is a registered trademark owned by Leap & Scale Pvt Ltd.

Start building IoT solutions with us.