Every solution building starts with trials and prototypes. Here is a product which is built specifically for developers and also learners of IOT to get started. We call it T10 – a simple IOT Gateway which can connect with our SensoyoIO platform for kick starting your IOT work.
T10 & SensoyoIO
A perfect combination to explore and work on a sensor to server IOT
Whitepaper - T10 & Sensoyo IO
A perfect starting point for building your IOT solution. A whitepaper that provides the details.

T10 Key Features
For developer and learners the need is to have a platform (end-to-end) that allows configurability and features which help in building an IOT solution with ease. Here are those unique features which are built keeping the developers and learners in mind,
- A reference solution with T10 and Sensoyo®️ which allows observation of the complete system and thus, provides a starting point
- T10’s ease of configuration is build so that it can be connected with any other MQTT server and system
- T10 is generic enough for complete new firmware that that be programmed and numerous configurations can be tried
- Sensor (DS1820) is connected on a serial interface and thus, other sensors using similar interface can be connected easily
- Sensoyo®️ provides a portal and App which allows easy configuration and monitoring
- Entire platform is industry ready and thus, provides right detailing and exposure to technology and engineering required to build successful IOT Systems
The How-To’s
Following is the set-up each one who buys a device will have access to the following subsystems,
- T10 device with full featured firmware
- User account to access Sensoyo®️IO
- Android App from playstore with access credentials (same as that of Sensoyo®️IO)
With this, it enables the user to start working on IOT for the developer or learners. These serve as the components of a typical sensor to server IOT system and thus can help develop and learn the working.